drew dirksen tiktok

I Tested Every Youtuber Product!

I Tested 5-Star Emergency Exits!

I Tested 5-Star Movie Theaters!

our pets didn't make it out alive...

Britthertz Dixon Sisters Mikey Arroyo Billy Mam Nick Moore Drew Dirksen

I Tried IMPOSSIBLE Spiderman Stunts! (ft. Nidal Wonder)

Training like Cristiano Ronaldo, BUT I’m Barefoot!

I Tried Extreme Sports in my House!

✨Today’s Mission✨ @drewdirksen

I Lived like a Billionaire for 100 Hours!

I Built a Secret Mirror to Spy on my Girlfriend!

Pick A Letter, Do The TRICK!

I Tried Sports in BANNED Shoes!

I Tried Extreme Sports in Croc Boots!

I Joined the Circus with NO Experience!

I Built a Secret Mailbox to Catch Package Thieves!

I Tried the World’s Scariest Job!

Fighting Games, But I Feel REAL Pain!

I Tried the Worlds Most Satisfying Job!

👁️Did you see??👁️ @drewdirksen

I was the Voice of Spiderman!

I Built a BUSH that Drives like a Car!

Will You Marry Me?

I Survived Olympic Gymnastics Training!